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- Rahul Chawla
MP PMT 2nd Rank (2008)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination 2011 Exam Date
Applications on prescribed forms are invited for appearing in the Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination (BCECE)-2011 for selection of candidates for admission to the FIRST YEAR of the following Degree Courses :
A. Engineering / Pharmacy Stream: Degree Courses in the Govt. / Govt. Recognised Technical Institutions of Bihar and
Technical Institutions outside Bihar (State Quota).
B. Medical Stream : MBBS/ BDS/ BAMS/ BHMS/ BUMS/ B.Ph.T./ B.Th.O. in Government Colleges of Bihar and in other
similar courses of this stream.
C. Agriculture Stream including Biotechnology : Degree Courses of Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa and Bihar Agricultural University, Sabour.
2. The Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination 2011 will be held in two stages.
The First Stage Examination is scheduled to be held on 24.04.2011 and the Date of Second Stage Examination is scheduled to be held on 29.05.2011.
3. Minimum Age Limit :
i. For Engineering / Pharmacy Stream, there is no minimum age limit.
ii. For Medical Stream, the minimum age must be 17 years as on 31st December, 2011 and
iii. For Agriculture Stream, the minimum age must be 17 years as on 1st July, 2011.
4. Category wise prescribed Application Forms have specified colour strips on the top of the front page with application numbers falling within specific number blocks.
The details are as under :
SI. No.
The colour of the strip on top of the prescribed application form
Number Block of the Applicatio Form
Bank draft for the amount if purchased from the Institutions
Amount in cash (Including Rupee5/- as Bank charge) if purchased from the Bank
Bank Draft for the amount if procured by post from BCECE Board, Patna-14
211-100001 to 211-200000
211-300001 to 211-340000
The amounts indicated in the above table include the price of one Application Form inclusive of the Prospectus and the Examination Fee per candidate for appearing in PCM / PCB subject group.
In order to appear in Biology alongwith PCM or in Mathematics alongwith PCB, section 6.3 of the prospectus of BCECE 2011 must be referred to.
Each candidate must ensure that he is purchasing the prescribed Application Form appropriate to his category in which he proposes to appear in BCECE-2011 and also the Application number of the same is falling within the corresponding number blocks as mentioned in the above table. It is important to note that use of wrong Application Form will lead to its rejection.
Information Brochure & Application Forms are on sale from 10.02.2011and can be obtained up to 05.03.2011from any one of the following Institutions
  • Patna Medical College, Patna; Nalanda Medical College, Patna; S.K. Medical College, Muzaffarpur; J.L.N. Medical College, Bhagalpur; Darbhanga Medical College, Darbhanga; A.N.M. Medical College, Gaya; M.I.T., Muzaffarpur; B.C.E., Bhagalpur; Office of Registrar,Rajendra Agricultural University, Pusa; Motihari College of Engg., Motihari; Gaya College of Engg., Gaya; Darbhanga College of Engg. Darbhanga; Nalanda College of Engg., Chandi, Nalanda;
  • Bihar Bhawan, 5, Kautilya Lane, Chanakya Puri, New Delhi-110021 on submitting an account payee Bank Draft for the amount category wise as mentioned in the table above (Column-4).
  • Canara Bank Branches at Bahu Bati Market, Arrah; M.G.Road, Bhagalpur; Pulpar, Bihar Sharif; Lal Bagh, Darbhanga; Bari Bazar, Munger; Main Branch, Gaya; Telpa, Chapra; Pankaj Market, Gudri Road,
    Gaya; Telpa, Chapra; Near Kachahari Road, Hajipur; Girls School Road, Katihar; Laxman Vatika Bank Road, Motihari; Motijheel, Muzaffarpur; Budh Marg, Patna; Exhibition Road, Patna; South Gandhi Maidan, Patna; Bhatta Bazar, Purnea; G.T. Road, Sasaram and Central Market, Sitamarhi, Ganesh Chowk, Samastipur.
  • State Bank of India, Boring Road Branch, Patna. by paying in cash the amount category wise as given in the table above (Column-5) or
  • by post from The Controller of Examination, BCECE Board, IAS Association
    Building (Near Patna Airport) P.O.- Veterinary College, Patna-14 by sending an A/C payee Bank Draft for the amount Category wise as given in the table above (Column-6) alongwith a self addressed envelope of size 27 cm. x 18 cm. for one application form. Request for forms by post will be entertained only up to
A maximum of 20 application forms may be obtained on one Bank Draft. The Bank Draft issued by any Nationalised Bank, must be in favour of “Controller of Examination, BCECE Board” payable at Patna.

For educational and residential requirements and other terms and conditions, please see details in the Prospectus of BCECE 2011.
Completed Application Forms must be sent by registered post / speed post only and must reach
The Office of the Controller of Examination,
IAS Association Building (Near Patna Airport),
P.O. Veterinary College,
Patna – 800 014.

Latest by
14.03.2011 (5.00 P.M.) Application forms sent by any other mode will not be accepted. In no case completed application form will be received in BCECE Board office by hand.
Candidate must note that in no case, last date for receipt of completed application form will be extended.


  1. This website has been designed by the medical students of Vardhman Mahavir Medical College to provide the PMT aspirants with the right guidance for medical entrance examinations and provides previous papers, examination notifications, admission counselling and online doubt clearance. This website gives an opportunity to the PMT aspirants to interact with the medical students who had been the toppers of various national and State level Medical Entrance Examinations. Through this website, we, the medical students, would like to share our success mantra, study material and mnemonics with the students and also help them clear their doubts.
